Do one of the accompanying:
USB: Connect your item to your Mac utilizing a USB link and ensure the item is turned on.
Remote: Make beyond any doubt your item is turned on. Unite your item to your remote system.
Ethernet: Connect your item to your Mac utilizing an Ethernet link and ensure the item is turned on.
Go to the menu on your Mac, then select System Preferences.
Select Printers and Scanners, Print and Scan, or Print and Fax.
Do one of the accompanying:
On the off chance that your printer is not on the rundown, go to step 5.
On the off chance that your printer is on the rundown, select your printer model and tap the "- " (short) catch. At that point go to step 5.
Click the "+" catch. (On the off chance that you see the Add Printer or Scanner... alternative, select it.)
In the screen that shows up, select your printer model as beneath:
USB association: Select the EPSON Series (USB) item.
Remote or Ethernet association: Select the EPSON Series (Bonjour) item.
Select your EPSON Series item in the Use or Print Using drop-down rundown, then tap the Add catch.
Go to the menu on your Mac, select Software Update or App Store, then tap the Updates tab.
Do one of the accompanying:
In the event that you see an upgrade from Epson, select UPDATE to introduce it.
Note: Apple Software Update may discover various upgrades for your framework. You may introduce all or a percentage of the upgrades.
In the event that an upgrade is not accessible, you as of now have the most recent Epson driver for your item.
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